Prism Network Blog

Community Response Update

Community Response Update

March 21, 2020

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So much thanks to all of our friends at Prescott Indivisible for putting out an amazing Newsletter and allowing us to share the information with the Community.  This update is brought to you by Prescott Indivisible, Quad City Interfaith Counsel, Greater Yavapai County Coalition, Coalition for Compassion & Justice, Salvation Army, US Vets, Launch Pad Teen Center, People Who Care, Prescott Meals on Wheels, United Way and a whole group of amazing Community Partners working together to keep everyone safe.


The City of Prescott’s Covid-19 Coordination Team held a Press Conference on March 17th led by Mayor Greg Mengarelli. Click here for the link to the City’s Facebook Page: March 17th Press Release. Represented were the YC Dept. of Health, YRMC, EMS , Chief of Police, the head of the Chamber of Commerce and other vital personnel. Their contact with the Yavapai County Health Department is Leslie Horton. They have an informational website at and you can call with questions at 844-542-8201.

Some statistics:

  • YRMC has 40 beds available for ICU & several suits that can be adapted for critical use.
  • There are 82 available ventilators and are requisitioning more smaller units.


  • There are zero positive tests in Yavapai County at the time of the Press Release
  • Hospitals have tests available and are prioritizing usage for critical first responders.
  • There is a 3-5 day delay for results
  • Any positives will be sent to state level labs for confirmation
  • There are currently test results pending

If you are sick they suggest:

  • Contacting your primary physician by phone first to rule out other causes.
  • Call ahead if you plan on using any Emergency Room services to prepare hospital staff
  • For mild cases remain in your home, avoid social contact and follow the safe hygiene precautions.

Prescott Valley’s Mayor Kell Palguta has issued a State of Emergency- it can be read here

You can also read Prescott Valley’s Pandemic Response plan and get answers to FAQ Here:

The AZ Poison and Drug Information Center is now taking COVID-19 calls from Arizona providers and the general public: 1-844-542-8201


Prescott Valley Food Bank: 8671 East Spouse Drive, Suite A, Prescott Valley
Hours: Mon-Fri: Noon-2:45 Phone: 928-772-4490

Walk-ins served. No referral required. Photo ID & proof of address needed.
Must meet federal poverty guidelines.

Yavapai County Food Bank, 8866 E. Long Mesa Dr. Prescott Valley
Hours Tues- Wed: 3-5 pm & Thurs-Fri. 1-3 pm
Phone 928-775-5255
Refer to their COVID-19 Guidelines here.

Prescott Meals on Wheels: Keeping Seniors and Volunteers Safe in Our Community amid COVID-19
Click Here to read about their temporary process for home delivered meals.
At this time Meals on Wheels does NOT need volunteers. They are still delivering meals once a week and their staff is practicing safe social distancing. Contact Prescott Meals on Wheels at
928-445-7630 or

Salvation Army is offering Operation Food Box
A food box will be dropped at an individual’s door, reducing the face-to-face exposure.
For more info. call 928-788-0150 or click here.

Untied Way Worldwide COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund was launched on March 17 th . They will help with bills, rent and food.
1-866-211-9966. Or at
Source: United Way Worldwide. Their Dir of Public Relations can be contacted at



Gail Cook, member of Prescott Indivisible and Molly Freibott with the Quad City Interfaith Counsel and GYCC Faith Bridge will be collecting donations of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and non- perishable food to give to those who cannot afford to stock up or don’t have transportation.  Anything will help- 2-4 Rolls of Toilet paper, one large bottle of hand sanitzer or disinfectant wipes can be broken up into smaller packets.
They are working with Coalition for Compassion & Justice, Salvation Army and US Vets.  Quad City Interfaith Counsel is a grassroots coalition of Congregations and Community Groups.
Contact Gail for donations or volunteering at or 928-899-2407
Or Molly Freibott at

PEOPLE WHO CARE is seeking volunteers to grocery shop and pick up medical needs for clients in the quad cities. Contact Peggy at 928-445-2480 on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.  She will interview you briefly and let you know what is needed.
Client contact is not needed, drop off at door; People Who Care will explain payment options. They need drivers who shop! Thank you!
General questions, call Barbara Jacobsen – 928-848-3914


Salvation Army, Prescott
The Salvation Army Shelter is still open.
The Salvation Army, 225 S Montezuma St, Prescott, is taking food donations to prepare meals for 20-30 people this week and next. Please drop off food labeled for ‘Deep Freeze’ and staff will prepare the meals.  Drop off is next to the thrift shop,  Monday- Friday 8-12 or 1-4. Thank you!


Chino Valley Unified School District

MEAL SERVICE FOR STUDENTS:   Meal service will continue for students throughout the duration of school closures, except during our regularly scheduled Spring Break of March 20-27, 2020.

Monday, March 16 – Thursday, March 19, 2020:   Nutritious Grab-and-Go lunches will be available to CVUSD students at the CVUSD Adult Education campus located at 12970 3rd St, Chino. Grab-and-Go lunches will be available curbside at this location between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Look for the Nutrition Services canopy located on the southeast corner. Students must be present for food pick up.

Monday, March 30 – Friday, April 3, 2020: Nutritious Grab-and-Go meals will be available for curbside pick-up at all CVUSD school site locations. Grab-and-Go breakfasts will be available between 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. and lunches will be available between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at every location. Students must be present for food pick up. If you have any questions regarding service times or locations, please contact the Nutrition Services Department at (909) 628-1201 x1500.

Humboldt Unified School District

The Humboldt Unified School District will be providing free prepackaged breakfast and lunch meals to all children who are 18 years and younger. Meal service will be offered from 11:30 to 1:00 Monday through Friday. Breakfast for the following day will be given out during lunch.

Please note that schools are not open at breakfast but a breakfast meal for the following day will be given during lunch service the day before.

Meals will be given in a walk-up/drive-through fashion. There will be no congregate seating. All pick-up locations are outside.

Meals are offered at the following sites:
Lake Valley Elementary School: School Bus Drop Off
Coyote Springs Elementary: Front of School Office
Humboldt Elementary School: At the Front Gate
Mountain View Elementary School: Front of School Office
Please note that the following sites will be closing as of March 18th due to low participation: Bradshaw Mountain High School, Glassford Hill Middle School, Bradshaw Mountain Middle School

Please contact HUSD Child Nutrition at 928-759-5014 if you have any questions.  The team takes the coronavirus (COVID-19) spread very seriously. In addition to the outstanding food safety and cleaning procedures already in place, HUSD is also following the CDC guidelines to further protect staff, students, and the community during this time.
HUSD would also like to encourage families or children, regardless of where you live, to utilize the free meal program at this time.


Prescott Public Library will be closed until at least April 13th.  Modified services will begin on Friday, March 20th.  Please see their website for further updates: Prescott Library Website.

Prescott Valley Library will be closed until April 1.  They are offering many digital service:  E-books and e-audio books,  Ask a Librarian question form can be accessed online or you can call at 928-759-3040.  There are many other resources on their website:
Books on loan do not need to be returned until the library reopens. The Library has a 24/7 drive-up book return, and Drive-up Window services will be extended from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Chino Valley Library will be closed until April 1st.  Curbside service is available.  You can reserve your materials online or by calling 928-636-2687 (Main) or 928-636-9115 (Children’s).  Follow their instructions for pick up.
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 10am-2pm.

Sedona, Verde Valley and Cottonwood Libraries were still open as of 3/18/2020 with business as usual

Prescott and Prescott Valley Parks and Recreation
All town parks will remain open to the public but their restrooms and playgrounds will be closed to use.
All Parks & Recreation classes and programs are suspended until further notice.
Many Parks are waiving fees to allow families a place to go.

YMCA Prescott is closed, all programs and classes are cancelled.

Navajo Parks Closed: Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez announced they will limit the number of outside visitors and close down Navajo run Parks.  He says “We ask for our visitors to respect the sovereignty of the Navajo Nation,” Source


Ways that you can help seniors our community:

Set up a grocery pick up by ordering online and pick up groceries when ready.

Work with neighbors on putting together a phone list to call and check up on one another or start a conversation during social isolation.

Online 12 step meetings:
Speaker Tape Websites: