NAZGEM is a transgender-led support program that serves Northern Arizona.
Our mission is to provide safe spaces, events, and resources for transgender, gender diverse, and questioning individuals.
Established in 2016, NAZGEM currently operates out of Prescott, Arizona. Whether you are just starting the journey, transitioned 20 years ago, or are a family/friend of a transgender loved one, we have support for you.
NAZGEM provides the following:
Support concerning documentation, driver’s license, and otherlegal information
Referrals and resources to inclusive gender therapy, psychiatry, primary care, other healthcare related services
Activities and events that connect our community
Mentors for those just starting their journey
A safe space to share your story
The Transgender Peer Support Group is an open topic group run by a facilitator for individuals who identify as transgender, gender diverse, or questioning. (18 and older)
For location, date, and time, please contact: