Your Donation of up to $800.00 to the Greater Yavapai County Coalition qualifies for the Arizona Tax Credit!
You can support GYCC’s many Community Programs and your donation can be included in your Federal Tax Deduction in addition to the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit!GYCC is a qualifying 501C3! Our GYCC EIN is 82-1840844 How does it work? 1) Donate to GYCC here: 2) File your taxes and claim the credit (up to $800) by using AZDOR for 321. 3) Receive your tax credit of up to $800 for married filing and $400 for all other filers.
GYCC will issue a Donation receipt right away.
Get Started and let’s get to work!
Support Prism Network
Your contribution will help to support our Mission to provide Emergency Resources, Housing, Food, Shelter and Suicide Prevention Training to Yavapai County’s LGBTQ+ and underserved populations.