Prism Network Blog

What’s New at GYCC with New Director Molly Freibott

What’s New at GYCC with New Director Molly Freibott

April 22, 2019

A Message from Molly:  GYCC’s New Director of Operations

What’s New at GYCC?

A full time job, a family, a new adopted teen and suddenly in charge of a growing 501C3?  Until a few months ago I was happily working hard in a support role at GYCC.  All of a sudden, my life changed dramatically.  In the middle of a full life, I was now in a leadership role and facing a very steep learning curve.  How do you restructure an organization and build an infrastructure with a group of volunteers? Did I mention these volunteers also have  full time jobs and families?  In short,  it’s been a very busy 2019!

Fortunately I have an amazing team of very busy people. Every day, they dedicate their free time and their energy  to supporting the LGBTQ+ Community.  In response to this new need, my team stepped up and worked even harder. As a result GYCC  now has some great victories to share with you.

We have been working on Infrastructure, Administration and Financial Support

Here are the Highlights:

  •  GYCC is now a registered 501C3
  •  We have a new address and a brand new Logo
  •  Launched our brand new Website
  •  We received a $5,000 Grant from ACF
  •  Received over $5,000 in private and corporate donations
  • GYCC is now a proud member of the Quad City Interfaith Counsel

We developed a Suicide Prevention Program

Recently,  Yavapai County Suicide rates have increased  alarmingly. As a result, Suicide Prevention Hotlines have been overwhelmed. Therefore we found ourselves responding to many more crisis calls every week.

Because of this, GYCC  committed to training our staff and volunteers. At this time, most of our staff and volunteers are trained in Suicide Prevention and Mental Health First Aid and that enabled us to train over 100 Community Leaders in Suicide Prevention .

We now provide the following:

  • SafeTALK Suicide Prevention Training and Certification
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid Training and Certification
  • An ASIST trained Suicide Prevention Interventionist on staff
  • Support to the  Yavapai County Coordinated Community Response Team

Faith Bridge started a Community Support Program:

Currently,  GYCC receives calls for Support every single week. In response to these calls, Faith Bridge created a program specifically to meet this need.

Each month we provide:

  • Emergency Food and Housing
  • Crisis intervention and referral
  • Transportation, Help with relocation, Gas Money
  • Financial Aid for Medical Expenses and Prescriptions
  • Job Support

NAZGEM Provided Special Events and Support Groups

Here are small list of what was provided:

  • Housing and Job Support
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Support and Activities
  • Events

As you can see, we have been crazy busy!  And now we need your help!  GYCC is powered completely by Volunteers!  Do you love your Community?  Do you want to make a difference?  Do you want to help build a more Inclusive Yavapai County?  We need your voice!

Volunteer Opportunites:

  • Our Board Meeting is open to everyone!  It’s the 2nd Monday at 7:00 pm at GPUU
  • Could you help plan our Annual Picnic?
  • Would you like to help with Social Media?
  • Do you have a great idea for Activities or Events?
  • Would you like to receive training in Suicide Prevention or Mental Health?

We’d love to hear from you!  Contact us at

Molly Freibott

GYCC Director of Operations