In these uncertain times, we are seeing a need for hope in our Community. People are needing a sense of control in their lives, no matter how small. We as a Community need to be prepared to thrive, whatever comes next.
“Grow our Own” is a new approach to Gardening for the Community—It’s a satellite, grow-your-own hay bale garden program supporting Preparedness and Community Networking
Hay Bales will provide gardening opportunity those who not capable of having a garden in their current living circumstances. This will be a pilot program to teach those who wish to learn about home gardening, and hopefully, with your help, provide starter kits to help them kick off their own personal gardens.
We hope to have Co-op type gatherings where members of the community can trade some of their produce for produce raised by others, so one person only need worry about one type of produce, not multiple.
We are hoping that our new program will be that ray of hope in our Community and we are looking for partners who can help make that hope a reality.
Anyone who Donates or Partners with us will get full credit, a link on our website as well as education brochures/materials we produce for this program.
Thank you for your time and attention and we hope to hear from you soon!
Contact us at
In this video, Molly gives you a tour of the straw bale garden she started recently and explains a bit about the Grow Our Own program.